Late Quaternary displacements along the Zunduk fault according to ground-penetrating radar and morphostructural analysis (northwestern coast of Lake Baikal)


  • Ivan A. Denisenko Institute of the Earth's Crust of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 128, ul. Lermontova, Irkutsk, 664033, Russian Federation
  • Oksana V. Lunina Institute of the Earth's Crust of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 128, ul. Lermontova, Irkutsk, 664033, Russian Federation



The article considers the results of GPR studies of the Zunduksky fault section activated between the Cape Oto-Khushun and the Zunduk River, activated in the late Quaternary. The aim of this work is to clarify the kinematic type, determine the vertical displacement amplitudes, and dip angles of the Zunduksky active fault activated in the late Quaternary, as well as determine the maximum magnitude of the earthquake that could occur as a result of the activation of the fault. The work was carried out by OKO-2 GPR with a shielded antenna AB-90 and ABDL-Triton. In addition to the main method, morphostructural analysis of the ledge was used. As a result of the work performed, it was found that the Zunduksky fault in the Late Quaternary was activated under tectonic extension with predominant fault displacement kinematics. The one-act vertical displacements along the seismic fracture change from SW to NE from 6.9 to 1.6 m. When the Late Quaternary ledge of the Zunduksky fault formed, the plastic component of the displacement had a certain value, the contribution of which is from 18 to 78 % of the total displacement. Paleo-earthquake magnitudes calculated from the maximum vertical displacement are Mw = 7.3 and Ms = 7.5.


Zunduk fault, georadar, vertical displacement, Baikal rift zone


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How to Cite

Denisenko, I. A. . and Lunina, O. V. (2021) “Late Quaternary displacements along the Zunduk fault according to ground-penetrating radar and morphostructural analysis (northwestern coast of Lake Baikal)”, Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Earth Sciences, 66(2). doi: 10.21638/spbu07.2021.210.


