Teacher migration in the Kaliningrad region and its impact on the exclave's economic security


  • Ksenia Yu. Voloshenko Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, ul. Aleksandra Nevskogo, 14, Kaliningrad, Russia
  • Anna V. Lialina Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, ul. Aleksandra Nevskogo, 14, Kaliningrad, Russia
  • Lidiya G. Gumenyuk Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, ul. Aleksandra Nevskogo, 14, Kaliningrad, Russia




The Kaliningrad region is one of the Russian Federation's subjects enjoying a considerable migration gain. At the end of 2021, it ranked fifth in the top 10 in positive net migration after Sevastopol, the Kaluga and the Leningrad regions, and the Republic of Adygea. However, the occupational and age composition of migrants does not fully meet the needs of its labour market, despite the region's active policy to attract and redeploy workforce. A relatively stable influx of teacher migrants and in-region training do not fill all available vacancies in the Kaliningrad region's education industry. The research problem from the economic security perspective is the scale of teacher migration, the correspondence of their qualifications and subject areas to the region's needs, their distribution within the region, and the effectiveness and efficiency of current resettlement support measures. The paper analyses the relocated teachers' and school principals' perception of factors and limitations of skilled migration, relocation support measures, features and challenges of settlement in the region based on the results of semi-structured biographical interviews conducted in the summer of 2022. The study identifies major strategies for teacher migration to the Kaliningrad region that determine the main possible scenarios for changes in its scale in view of the geography of donor regions and support measure development. Situational forecasting methods allowed for calculating the indicators for general education staff movement factoring in the influx of migrants and identifying the demand for teachers. This provided the basis for the assessment of achieved economic security. The study shows that ensuring the economic security of the exclave in education in the context of increasing migration is possible only given the implementation of active development measures and the use of internal human resources. This involves not so much the training of personnel as increased employment and retention, as well as the targeted attraction and settlement of teachers from the rest of Russia.


economic security, teacher migration, interregional migration, migration strategies, situational forecasting and modeling, Kaliningrad region


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How to Cite

Voloshenko, K. Y., Lialina, A. V. and Gumenyuk, L. G. (2024) “Teacher migration in the Kaliningrad region and its impact on the exclave’s economic security”, Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Earth Sciences, 69(1). doi: 10.21638/spbu07.2024.102.


