Spatial transformation of the migration system during the crisis


  • Maksim M. Agafoshin Institute for African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 30/1, ul. Spiridonovka, Moscow, 123001, Russian Federation
  • Stanislav A. Gorokhov Institute for African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 30/1, ul. Spiridonovka, Moscow, 123001, Russian Federation
  • Ruslan V. Dmitriev Institute for African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 30/1, ul. Spiridonovka, Moscow, 123001, Russian Federation



The article devotes to identify the features of the functioning of migration systems in crisis periods characterized by extensive increase of forced migrants' flows. The events of the European migration crisis are analyzed in the case of “Arab countries of Asia - The European Union” migration system. The transformation of the migration system is considered within the framework of geographical variant of the traditional three–stage model of migration process proposed by the authors. The first stage are explored the movements within the region of migration flows formations are explored, the second – the movements between the regions of the formation and accumulation of migration flows within transit regions, the third – the movements within the region of the accumulation of migration flows. Quick increase the number of forced migrants leads to changes in their flow characteristics at each stage, as well as to the expansion of the space of the migration system – compared with that in non-crisis periods. At the same time, there is a complication of the system's structure due to the formation of not only primary and secondary transit regions, but also mono- and poly-branched migration routes within their limits. The findings of the Modified Fractionalization Index (MFI) indicate about a significant decrease in the degree of diversification of migration routes during crisis periods. The result of the distribution of migrants within the region of accumulation is an increase of their territorial concentration. The policy of the European authorities to equalize territorial disparities in the resettlement of migrants has had almost no success. A further increase in the concentration of migrants in the largest urban agglomerations resulting from self-organized movements leads to an aggravation of the ethnic and confessional exclusion of the migrant population.


migration crisis, migration system, refugees, European Union, Arab countries of Asia


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How to Cite

Agafoshin, M. M., Gorokhov, S. A. and Dmitriev, R. V. (2023) “Spatial transformation of the migration system during the crisis”, Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Earth Sciences, 68(1). doi: 10.21638/spbu07.2023.102.


