Profile tourist destinations


  • А. И. Зырянов Perm State University, 15, ul. Bukireva, Perm, 614990, Russian Federation



The tourist service is a complex set of enterprises, which can be classified according to the size of the share of tourist functions. The diversity and dispersion of the tourist service complicates the study of its geography. The division of the service according to types of economic activity does not clearly reflect the patterns of its spatial organization. For the study of service geography and the identification of the territorial structure of the service, the effective allocation of tourism types and the analysis of profile destinations as specialized tourist service spaces is needed. Based on an example of the ski mounting centers, the expediency of allocation of profile tourist destinations is demonstrated. Refs 10. Fig. 1.


tourism, service, geography, profile destination, ski mounting destinations


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How to Cite

Зырянов, А. И. (2017) “Profile tourist destinations”, Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Earth Sciences, 62(3), pp. 254–265. doi: 10.21638/11701/spbu07.2017.303.


