Distribution of rare-earth elements in rock-forming minerals of corundum-bearing rocks of the Khitoostrov deposit (North Karelia)
The distribution of rare-earth elements (SIMS method) in minerals from the rocks of the Khitoostrov occurrence (Belomorian mobile belt of Eastern Fennoscandia) was studied: corundum-bearing metasomatites with anomalous isotopically light oxygen and hydrogen and garnet amphibolites after gabbro with normal isotopic composition. The study was accompanied by estimates of P-T parameters of rock formation using multi-equilibrium thermobarometry (TWEEQU method). Temperatures calculated for garnet amphibolites after gabbro fall within the range of 730–770 ° C, pressures - 13–14 kbar; for corundum-bearing rocks, temperatures were 680–710 ° C, pressures - 6.5–7.5 kbar. Corundum-bearing rocks were formed at slightly lower temperatures and at significantly lower pressures than garnet amphibolites after gabbro. The REE distribution spectra in garnets from apogabbroic amphibolites are characterized by a clearly pronounced slope from light to heavy REE, while in garnets from corundum-bearing rocks they have a less pronounced positive slope, which is associated with a noticeable enrichment of garnets in LREE and an insignificant depletion of HREE. Calcium amphiboles from corundum-bearing rocks are significantly enriched in rare-earth elements as compared to amphiboles from garnet amphibolites after gabbro, especially LREE (by more than an order of magnitude) and, to a lesser extent, MREE. Plagioclases from corundum-bearing rocks are also enriched in LREE against the background of garnet amphibolites. Thus, in all the studied minerals of corundum-bearing rocks LREE enrichment is recorded. It isn’t manifested in the minerals of amphibolites and, obviously, isn’t related to the difference in P-T parameters of rock formation. Consequently, LREE was transferred by a specific fluid during mineral-forming processes, which led to the formation of metasomatites with an anomalous isotopic composition of oxygen and hydrogen.
Belomorian mobile belt, corundum-bearing rocks, rare-earth elements, ion microprobe, thermobarometry, Khitoostrov
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