The landscape indication of archaeological sites in the environs of the Ortolyk River (Altai)


  • Анастасия Борисовна Глебова St Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation
  • Игорь Сергеевич Сергеев St Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation; FSBI "VNIIOkeangeologia" Leading Research Institute in the field of marine geology, Angliyskiy av. 1, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 1190121



The paper concentrates on the analysis of the landscape location of archaeological sites in the Ortolyk river valley. The studied region is located in the South-Eastern Altai between Kurai and North-Chuisky ridges, north-west of the Kurai village. The location scheme of archaeological sites and the landscape map were created for the historical archaeological and landscape analysis conducted in the format of ArcGIS 10.1. GIS-cartography archaeological sites in the field was carried out with the help of GPS navigator. During the field study the coordinates of 174 archaeological sites were determined, conceivably 78% of which belong to the Scythian period, 5% to the Turkic period, 17% - dating difficult. The majority of the monuments are stone burial mounds, memorial structures, balbals, etc. The archaeological sites were found at altitudes of 1590 to 1710 meters. Landscape maps are based on the field research, a digital elevation model (DEM), high-resolution satellite images, geomorphological maps (scale 1:200,000) and maps of quaternary sediments (scale 1:200,000) and topographic maps (scale 1:50000). The largest area, 42%, is covered with low gradient slopes (3° to 10°) mountain ranges of southern exposure, composed of ancient lake deposits and diluvial deposits with wormwood-low-bunchgrass steppes, low-bunchgrass steppes, sometimes feather grass-low- bunchgrass-wormwood steppes on the chestnut soil. GIS-cartography of the archaeological sites shows that for their construction ancient people purposefully chose level surfaces or gentle slopes with open dry steppe landscapes (wormwood-low-bunchgrass steppe and low-bunchgrass steppe). These landscapes were good grazing lands in the Scythian and Turkic periods. Now, the local population uses them for grazing of the livestock: cows, horses, sheep, and goats. The visibility of the snowy mountaintops played an important role in the selection of the location for construction sites. In the studied area, the panorama of North-Chuisky ridge with its snow-capped peaks is clearly visible.


landscape, landscape map, the archaeological sites, valley of the river Ortolyk, South-Eastern Altai


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How to Cite

Глебова, А. Б. and Сергеев, И. С. (2019) “The landscape indication of archaeological sites in the environs of the Ortolyk River (Altai)”, Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Earth Sciences, 64(3). doi: 10.21638/spbu07.2019.302.


