Tectonic framework for metallogeny of precambrian structures on the example Kolyma and Omolon terranes (North-East of the Asia)
On example Omolon and Kolyma terranes (North-East of the Asia) showed a influence of the regional tectonic position and geodynamic evolution of Precambrian blocks on the structure of the ore deposits. The first of that is stable consolidated structure, and formation of basement was full completed to early of Neoproterozoic. The second example is composite terrane, similar to fold-trusted belt. Terranes with consolidated Early Precambrian crust was a stable structure for the all of geological history. Further ages of the compression and tension not to make any significance changes of that. Formed by this processes ore-controlled and ore-hosted structures correspond a deep and steep faults of the basement. By this pathways, subsequent tectonic and magmatic events permeated far into the terranes. That was favourable for forming large and hi-grade deposits but restrict the range of deposit types. Contrariwise, tectonic structure of the trust-faulted terranes was mobile for the whole timing scale. There Precambrian rocks compose of allokhtones, and trust-fault structure was multiple renewed. That was promote of forming wide range types of mineralization, but caused of dissipation of metals on numerous small-scale structures. Consequently, age and level of consolidation of the basement is a one of the most important factors of metallogeny of the Precambrian terranes. That defined the style of faulting structure (domination of steep or shallow faults), depth of the faults, morphology and geometry of the ore bodies.
terrane, Precambrian, basement, ore-forming, consolidation, trust-faulted, ore-controlled factor
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Osnovy metallogenicheskogo analiza pri geologicheskom kartirovanii [The basics of metallogenic analysis for geological mapping]. 1995. Geokart Publ., Moscow. (In Russian)
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