Soil microbial component and its respiratory activity in coniferous forests of the Northwest Priladozhje area


  • Софья Владимировна Роговая Institute of Physicochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Academy of Sciences, 2, Institutskaya ul., Puchshino, Moskovskaya obl., 142290, Russian Federation
  • Екатерина Юрьевна Елсукова St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation
  • Надежда Дмитриевна Ананьева Institute of Physicochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science, Russian Academy of Sciences, 2, Institutskaya ul., Puchshino, Moskovskaya obl., 142290, Russian Federation



Th e microbial biomass carbon (Cmic) by substrate-induced respiration method (SIR), the basal (microbial) respiration rate (BR) and the metabolic quotient (qCO2 = BR / Cmic) were calculated from samples of plant litter and mineral layers of forest soils (Podburs, Sod-podburs, Gleyzems, Litozems) of four catenas of northern and southern exposure of selgovy landscape in the Northwest Priladozhje area. Sample sites were located at diff erent distances (300, 500 and 2000 m) from a source of aerotechnogenic pollution (a granite quarry). High levels of biogenecity were found in plant litter, low ones in corresponding mineral layers of the soil profi le in the pine forests examined. Soils of accumulative parts of the landscape were characterized by higher Cmic and BR compared to transit and autonomic ones. The impact of aerotechnogenic pollution from the granite quarry on soil microbial component was found, it was expressed by decreased Cmic and BR mainly in forest plant litter.


soil, microbial biomass carbon, basal respiration, metabolic quotient, plant association, aerotechnogenic pollution, granite quarry


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How to Cite

Роговая, С. В., Елсукова, Е. Ю. and Ананьева, Н. Д. (2016) “Soil microbial component and its respiratory activity in coniferous forests of the Northwest Priladozhje area”, Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Earth Sciences, (3), pp. 129–137. doi: 10.21638/11701/spbu07.2016.310.




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