Big cities of Russia and their suburbs as centers of attraction of internal migrants
Big cities and their suburbs are the main centers of attraction for internal Russian migrants, pulling the population from peripheral territories. Based on detailed data on internal Russian migration for 2011-2020. the scale of net migration is estimated in Moscow, St. Petersburg and five groups of cities with a population of 100 thousand inhabitants or more, and their suburbs. The size of the suburbs depends on the population of the cities - the larger it is, the greater the distance the cities extend their influence and, accordingly, the greater the radius of the allocation of suburbs. The number of inhabitants of cities and their suburbs is determined on the basis of the 2010 population census data, based on the distance from the city center, near, middle and far suburbs are distinguished. It is estimated that 89.6 million people lived in major cities and their suburbs (2010). The process of population concentration continued. The migration growth of Big cities and their suburbs is comparable in size, and suburbs are significantly larger in intensity than cities. The suburbs of regional capitals and largest cities have the most intensive migration growth. The nearest suburbs of cities grow most intensively due to migration. Every year, Big cities lose 40-50 thousand people in migration with their suburbs. We are not inclined to consider this evidence of the process of suburbanization, the main role is played by the sprawl of cities and the attractiveness of living in the maximum transport accessibility to their centers. Migration in the suburbs that are formed near Moscow and St. Petersburg deserves further study.
intraregional migration, interregional migration, cities, suburbs, distance, migration statistics
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