Does the coastal location of municipalities influence their innovation development?
The coastal regions are increasingly in the focus of contemporary academic research as economically favorable territories with a high innovative potential. The coastalization factor receives individual attention, the influence of which is registered in various countries of the world as a tendency of the population and economic activity to concentrate in the coastal zone. However, there is significant heterogeneity between the coastal areas, due to natural and climatic features that affect their economic development. This article focuses on assessing the differences in the readiness of the coastal regions of the European part of Russia for an innovative economy, taking into account their geographical location (northern, northwestern, southern). The study is conducted at the level of municipalities across 6 regions of Russia: Murmansk, Arkhangelsk, Leningrad, Kaliningrad, Rostov regions, and Krasnodar Krai. The research methodology included an assessment of the 4 most important components of an innovative economy: human capital, business environment, knowledge production, and technological equipment. The results of the study revealed a high degree of spatial divergence in terms of the level of readiness for the development of an innovative economy both between the regions of the sample and within them in the inter-municipal context. It was found that the concentration of innovative potential within the coastal region is largely the result of a cross-influence of the agglomeration and the coastalization factors. In the case of their complementary influence on coastal municipalities, the latter are characterized by a relatively higher level of readiness for the development of an innovative economy compared to inland ones. This is true for both the northern, northwestern, and southern coastal regions of the European part of Russia.
spatial divergence, coastal region, innovative development, coastalization
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