First data of structural-kinematic analysis of rock Rassoha zone and its border (Omuljovka uplift, Eastern Yakutia)


  • Александр Васильевич Рогов A. P. Karpinsky russian geological research institute” (FGBU “VSEGEI”), 74, Sredniy pr., St. Petersburg, 199106, Russian Federation
  • Сергей Николаевич Сычёв A. P. Karpinsky russian geological research institute” (FGBU “VSEGEI”), 74, Sredniy pr., St. Petersburg, 199106, Russian Federation; St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation



The Omuljovka uplift is located within the inner part of the Verkhoyansk-Kolyma folded system, the South-Eastern part of the Chersky collision belt and extends in the North-Western direction. In the South-West from Omuljovka uplift locates the Inyaly-Debin syncline, in the North, a structure is hidden under the sediments of the Moma-Zyrjanka deflection, in the East borders by Kolyma uplift. In the central part of the Omuljovka uplift allocated Rassokha tectonic zone formed Ordovician, Devonian - early Jurassic volcanogenic and sedimentaryformations. As a result of studying the history of geological development Rassokha zone, recorded in the structural features of its rocks in the northeastern part of Omuljovka uplift, was identified two main types of deformations: early plastic and late fragile. The conclusion about the presence of a few kinds of brittle deformation. Structural researches of rock ophiolite-clastic complex show that multistage deformation has occurred here. Dedicated five stages of deformation process, that match the basic stages of the tectonic evolution of the territory. Conducted structural-geological research and reconstructed of tectonic stress fields are corresponding with the stages of deformation identified by V. Oxman (2000) to the North of the region. Rassokha zone and adjacent tectonic units are unique geological-structural objects, allowing to study the evolution of the Omuljovka uplift because in a small area was identified tectonic structures all stages of deformations that are allocated for the Chersky collision belt. Separately noted the presence of shear-fault deformations in Arga-Tas zone, because with them, most likely associates gold ore deposits of the district. The earliest deformation stage requires further decoding and binding to the time interval.


structural evolution, collision, ophiolite-clastic, Omuljovka uplift


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How to Cite

Рогов, А. В. and Сычёв, С. Н. (2019) “First data of structural-kinematic analysis of rock Rassoha zone and its border (Omuljovka uplift, Eastern Yakutia)”, Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Earth Sciences, 64(1), pp. 65–80. doi: 10.21638/spbu07.2019.104.




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