The dynamics of employment and regional labour markets situation of Russia in 2010-2017.


  • Evgeniy V. Antonov Institute of Geography Russian Academy of Sciences, 29, Staromonetniy per., Moscow, 119017, Russian Federation; Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Geography, 1, Leninskiye gory, Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation



The article examines the dynamics of employment (employment level) and key indicators of regional labor markets in Russia in 2010-2017: sectoral structure (by types of organizations, including large, medium, small- and micro-) and sectoral structure, unemployment, and labor migration. The aim of the study was to establish the presence or absence of regional specificity (with the allocation of types) of changes in the key characteristics of labor markets, and to assess the prevailing trends of the processes. It is concluded that a significant impact of the demographic factor in the increase of employment took place in most regions. This factor prevails over economic factors (changes in the number of jobs). The groups of regions based on the causes of changes in the level of employment were defined. The analysis of the regional sectoral structure of employment allowed to assess it for each region of Russia, as well as to point out the key trends: the growth of shadow (informal) employment, the reduction of the role of small and medium – sized businesses, the increase in interregional labor migration as a result of the polarization of the situation in the regional labor markets and the strengthening of national cores in the labor market (Moscow, St. Petersburg and the Tyumen region with Autonomous districts). The study shows the sector shifts in the regional labor markets as a whole, as well as in the sphere of small and medium-sized businesses. It is established that the transition to the American-Asian model continues in the regions. This tendency provide an increase in the share of the tertiary sector due to the reduction of agricultural and industrial employment, but this process became significantly slowed compared to the 90s and 2000s. The dynamics of the indices of structural differences (Gatev and Ryabtsev indices) shows that structural differences between the regions tend to decrease (convergence of structures).


labour market, employment level, regions, occupational pattern, small scale business, labour migration, sectoral structure, index of structural differences, informal employment


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How to Cite

Antonov, E. V. (2019) “The dynamics of employment and regional labour markets situation of Russia in 2010-2017”., Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Earth Sciences, 64(4). doi: 10.21638/spbu07.2019.404.


