The influence of climatic factors on tree-ring width of Siberian larch in the upper basin of Irtysh river


  • Mariia V. Andreeva St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation
  • Dongliang Zhang Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 818, Beijing South Road, Urumqi, 830011, People’s Republic of China



The paper presents the results of the assessment of the influence of the main climatic factors on the tree-ring width of Siberian larch (Larix sibirica Ledeb.) growing in the upper basin of the Irtysh river. Trees’ cores sampling was carried out on the northern macroslopes of the Sarymsakty, Tarbagatai and Southern Altai ranges in Kazakhstan, as well as on the southern macroslope of the Southern Altai ranges in Kazakhstan and China from three sites on the upper tree line and on the four on the lower tree line. According to the results of the dendrochronological analysis, two generalized tree-ring chronologies IRTv and IRTn were obtained, reflecting the variability of the radial growth of Siberian larch in the region of the study on the upper and lower tree lines respectively. On the upper tree line, the radial growth of Siberian larch is dependent on the thermal regime of the beginning of the growing season (June - July). The analysis of the tree-ring growth dynamics showed that during 1850–1873, 1881–1900, 1906–1939, 1957–1965, 1982–1990 years tree-ring growth at the upper tree line was characterized by lower values. Since 1850 there is a positive trend in the tree-ring growth variability that indicates better thermal conditions since the end of the Little Ice Age. The sufficiently strong climatic signal (r < 0.7) allows to use the IRTv chronology for temperature reconstruction. On the lower tree line the variability of the radial tree-ring growth is determined by the dynamics of precipitation in the winter-spring-summer period (December – July). The most important, along with that, is the moisturization during the completion of snowmelt and the beginning of the growing season (May - June). Analysis of the trees’ growth dynamics showed that over the past 150 years the moisture regime didn’t change significantly. The reduced values ​​of the tree-ring growth correspond to 1850–1859, 1877–1907, 1916–1936, 1944–1951, 1962–1968, 1973–1992 periods.


tree-ring growth, dendroclimatic analysis, Siberian larch, June-July air temperature, December-July precipitation, East Kazakhstan, upper basin of Irtysh river


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How to Cite

Andreeva, M. V. and Zhang, D. (2019) “The influence of climatic factors on tree-ring width of Siberian larch in the upper basin of Irtysh river”, Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Earth Sciences, 64(4). doi: 10.21638/spbu07.2019.402.


