Investigation of borehole seismic acoustic control by the cross-borehole exploration method to assess the continuity of ice-ground fencing
Artificial freezing of soils is quite often used in complex engineering-geological and hydrogeological conditions for the construction of underground structures. Due to the fact that the soil freezing works are hidden, operational control of the continuity of the ice-ground fence being erected is necessary. Such control is traditionally carried out using borehole thermometry and hydrogeological observations. The article considers the possibilities of the seismoacoustic method in the variant of downhole tomography for monitoring the continuity of ice-ground fencing in conditions of highly saturated soils. The main prerequisite for using seismic methods to control the formation of an ice-ground fence is a noticeable difference in the values of the propagation velocities of seismic vibrations in soils under natural conditions and soils at subzero temperatures. The studies were carried out through the same wells through which the refrigerant is pumped. The configuration of the work was carried out in such a way that for each position of the receiving spit, the source moves along the adjacent well parallel to the receiving well with outflows equal to half the length of the receiving spit, after which the spit is shifted to the next position and the process is repeated. The control was carried out in two stages — before the active freezing phase and after the formation of the ice-ground fence. As a result of the work performed, it was found that using the SME method it is possible to effectively assess the continuity of the ice-ground fence being created, and local areas in which the freezing process turned out to be insufficient can also be identified. The parameters obtained by the method of downhole seismoacoustic tomography are also necessary to clarify the technological regime for freezing soils.
cross-borehole tomography, ice-ground fencing, continuity control
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