Assessment of damage and environmental sustainability of landscapes of the South Kuril Islands
The inclusion of the South Kuril Islands in the Advanced Development Territories (TAD) program leads to an increase in the anthropogenic impact on the natural complexes of the islands. The specialization of the TAD Kuriles involves the development of the region's economy in the areas of tourism, sports, agriculture and the fishing industry. In this regard, the scientific substantiation of the permissible levels of various types of nature management on the islands included in the program becomes relevant. This paper presents the results of studies on the sites of three islands of the South Kuriles - Kunashir, Shikotan, Iturup. The stages of recreational digression of soils and vegetation were assessed on the basis of the thickness of the soil litter and the degree of its decomposition, the number of vascular plant species, the presence of indicator species, the ratio of native and synanthropic species, damage of the vegetation cover, damage to the forest stand, the state of undergrowth, plant vitality, general projective cover of the grass-shrub layer, the degree of development of the territory. To assess the overall stability of the considered islands, in addition to the recreational one, the sustainability of natural complex to chemical pollution was also analyzed. As the level of the general sustainability of the natural complex, the smallest value of the two defined species was taken. An integrated approach has been implemented, including an assessment of the disturbance of natural complexes (NC) and their sustainability to various types of anthropogenic impacts, aimed at regulating recreational load and carrying out environmental protection measures. It has been established that the problem of progressive degradation is most relevant for Iturup Island, most of the attractions of which are easily accessible to mass uncontrolled tourism. In the specially protected natural areas of the most parts of the islands of Kunashir (Kurilsky Nature Reserve) and Shikotan (Little Kuriles Nature Reserve), regulating tourist flows reduces the risk of disturbances and degradation of the natural environment. The established levels of digression and sustainability of the NC can be used in the development of recreational load standards, taking into account the optimization of tourism activities in the Southern Kuril Islands.
recreational load, pollution, ecological tourism, soils, vegetation
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