Assessment of the hydrochemical composition of groundwater and development of new operating scenarios for water supply (Tajikistan)
The main study task was dictated by the growth rate of water consumption, namely the development of new scenarios for the exploitation of groundwater for water supply purposes. The assessment of surface and groundwater quality in the area showed a tendency to increase mineralization, hardness, a number of chemical components (up to exceeding the limited concentration). Analysis and interpretation of long-term groundwater chemical data, as well as the intensity of surface runoff, within the study area, allowed us to identify anthropogenic influence on the amount of runoff. According to the results of the study, the growth of infiltration nutrition (due to the expansion of irrigation areas) is reflected into deterioration of groundwater quality. In addition, the existing water intakes are located within the city limits, which creates an additional threat of bacterial and organic pollution. The new scenarios of groundwater exploitation are based on the features of the hydrogeological section, the results of hydrochemical studies, the amount of groundwater reserves of individual aquifers, calculations of sanitary protection zones of water intakes. The Amwells module (ANSDIMAT software package) was used to estimate groundwater reserves, so an analytical model was created based on the actual material. Thus, an extremely demanded detailed characterization of the groundwater of the studied area was carried out, some of which are suitable for use as drinking water.
groundwater pollution, water supply, ecological state of natural waters, surface runoff
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