Geoecological assessment and monitoring of the territory: the technology based on landscape mapping of anthropogenic geocomplexes


  • Sergei V. Osipov Pacific Geographical Institute of FEB RAS, Russian Federation, Vladivostok, Radio str., 7. 690041
  • Alexander A. Gurov Pacific Geographical Institute of FEB RAS, Russian Federation, Vladivostok, Radio str., 7. 690041



The purpose of the study is to form the methodology for assessing the state and monitoring of the territory on the basis of landscape mapping of anthropogenic geocomplexes/geosystems. The algorithm and technological scheme for assessing the state and monitoring of the area has the following components: 1) determination of the territorial level and approximate scale of mapping of anthropogenic geocomplexes; 2) selection of the classification of anthropogenic geocomplexes and it revision; 3) development of a geoinformation system and preparation of the layer (mapping) of anthropogenic geocomplexes of the selected level; 4) characteristics and assessment of the state of the area based on the analysis of the map and the spectra of anthropogenic geocomplexes; 5) comparative analysis of the state of the area at different periods – monitoring, it repeats blocks 3 and 4 for another period. The structural-functional classification of anthropogenic geocomplexes is developed. The ‘Anthropogenic geocomplexes of Primorsky Krai’ geoinformation system has been developed. Its main content consists of a set of layers, such as anthropogenic meso-landscapes, made for the entire area of the Primorsky Krai, as well as anthropogenic micro-landscapes, anthropogenic localities and anthropogenic landscapes, which are prepared for key areas. The map of anthropogenic geocomplexes/geosystems is the most important component of the technology under consideration. The indispensability of the map of techno-natural, natural-technical and technical micro-landscapes, meso-landscapes, localities or landscapes is that it gives a diverse, complex vision of the most transformed by human activity geocomplexes, their diversity, dynamics, ratio, distribution. This map allows assessing the state and tracking changes in the most important complex characteristics of the territory, first of all, the nature and degree of the transformation. Such a map is a good complement to any technology for assessing the state and monitoring the territory. When mapping anthropogenic (technical, natural-technical and techno-natural) geocomplexes, when natural geocomplexes are not involved, significantly less labor and time costs are required for creating a geoinformation system and preparing a map. In this case, mapping only anthropogenic geocomplexes is a very informative express method of assessment, analysis, and monitoring.


geoecological state, anthropogenic, technogenic, assessment, monitoring, mapping, classification, geocomplex, geosystem, landscape, meso-landscape, structure, dynamics, transformation of the territory, fragmentation of landscapes, geoinformation system


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How to Cite

Osipov, S. V. and Gurov , A. A. (2022) “Geoecological assessment and monitoring of the territory: the technology based on landscape mapping of anthropogenic geocomplexes”, Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Earth Sciences, 67(4). doi: 10.21638/spbu07.2022.405.


